- Kulzhumiyeva A.A., Sartabanov Zh.A.
Reduction of linear homogeneous De -systems to the jordan canonical form 5-12
- Saidullayeva N.S., Kabylbekov K.A., Ashirbaev Kh.A., Kalikulova A.O., Pazylova D.T.
Organization of computer lab work "Calculation and visualization of forced oscillations in the presence of an external force" with the use of the software package Matlab 13-21
- Saidullayeva N.S., Tagaev N.S., Pazylova D.T., Kalikulova A.O.
Effect of single overload on the development of a fatigue crack 22-25
- Zhantaev Zh.Sh., Vilyayev A.V., Serikbaeva E.B.
The application of geothermal modeling in the assessment of the features of the seismic regime of the Northern Tien Shan 26-34
- Gordienko G.I., Yakovets A.F., Litvinov Yu.G.
Comparison of the methods for estimating the hight of the maximum of th F region of the ionosphere 35-43
- Yakovets A.F., Gordienko G.I., Kryukov S.V., Zhumabayev B.T., Litvinov Yu.G.
Day-to-day variability of electron concentration n the ionospheric F2 layer maximum 44-49
- Yakovets A.F., Gordienko G.I., Zhumabayev B.T., Litvinov Yu.G., Abdrakhmanov N.
Fine structure of nighttime enhancements of the electron concentration in the F2 layer maximum 50-54
- Vassilyev I.V., Zhumabayev B.T.
Influence of gravitation on formation of the electric field of the earth 55-59
- Kozin I.D., Fedulina I.N.
Vacuum - environment in the decision of radio physics problems 60-65
- Козин И.Д., Федулина И.Н.
Radio-wave action on the receiving antenna 66-70
- Zhantaev Zh.Sh., Stikharny A.P., Vilyayev A.V.
The algorithm for filtering the errors of time series GPS monitoring ofactual movements of the earth's surface 71-74
- Batryshev D.G., Yerlanuly Ye., Ramazanov T.S., Gabdullin M.T.
Investigation of structural and electronic properties of single-walled carbon nanotubes on the basis of a hybrid functional becke 3-parameter LEE-YANG-PARR (B3LYP) 75-83
- Serebryanskiy A., Usoltseva L., Komarov A., Reva I.
The trasformation coefficients and instantaneous values of atmospheric extinction 84-90
- Baktybaev K., Baktybaev M.K., Naukenov D.D., Dalelkhankyzy A.
Microscopic justification of the model of interacting bosons and a generelizedquasispin formalism in the theory of the nuclei 91-100
- Bapayev K.B., Slamzhanova S.S.
On stability of difference-dynamical systems 101-111
- Imanbayeva A.B., Shaldanbayev A.Sh., Kopzhasarova A.A.
Asymptotic decomposition the decision is singular the indignant task of Cauchy for the system of the ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients 112-126
- Kopzhasarova A.A., Shaldanbayev A.Sh., Imanbayeva A.B.
The decision is singular the indignant task of Cauchy by a similarity method 127-133
- Kossov V.N., Zhakebaev D.B., Fedorenko O.V.
Numerical analysis of convective motions occurring under isothermal Diffusion in the vertical channels in ternary gaseous mixtures 134-142
- Myrzakul S.R., Belisarova F.B., Myrzakul T.R., Myrzakulov K.R.
Dynamics of F-essence in frame of the starobinsky мodel 143-148
- Mamyrbaev O.Zh., Muhsinа K.Zh.
Analysis of existing systems for determination of tonnity of text 149-155
- Omashova G.SH., Spabekova R.S., Kabylbekov K.А., Saidakhmetov P.A., Ashirbaev KH. A., Dzhumagalieva A. I.
Model of the form of the organization of computer laboratory work on the research of the movement of the body moving with acceleration of gravity 156-162
- Myrzakul Sh.R., Myrzakul T.R., Belisarova F.B., Abdullayev Kh., Myrzakulov K.R.
Noether symmetry approach in f-essence cosmology with scalar-fermion interaction 163-171